Thursday, March 5, 2009

Life goes on

Well, last night was pretty fun. Made some new friends so that's always a plus. Feel like crap this morning though and I do every time I go out, and I always tell myself "this is why I rarely drink".

So I woke up this morning and watched Step Brothers with Joshua so that put me in a good mood : ) Other than that I've been sitting around all day, not doing annnyyything. I can't wait to get out of this place for a week! I wish I was going somewhere cool though!

The only way to describe my emotions about Ben right now is a Richter scale. One day I'll be optimistic about moving on, and the next I'll feel more lonely than I've ever felt. Today is a lonely day. I'm just sitting back and thinking about what I'm going to miss about Ben and I hate it. I hate when I have this mentality because I feel like I'm never going to move on then. I'm sick of him not caring about me anymore. Ugh I don't even want to talk about it because I can't even stand the thought of his attitude toward me right now.

On a lighter not, Charelle just tried on her once piece bathing suit for me. It was fantastic.

I think I'm going to go and try to do something with this day, although I'm sure I'll end up laying around.

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